
Thursday, June 13, 2013

The way to effectively search on google

The way to effectively search on google
Every day we are in need of the Internet.The Internet has been transformed as a daily companion.
If you need something in the internet, it is very easily found on Google search.I wrote this post because everyone can search on Google correctly.This post is for those who are the daily user of google.
It's easy to find the key to get in the way of any software's serial.You can write 458FRD on the search box.Then you are enter the software name in the search box.Example: 458FRD windows 7.See the software windows 7 serial key in front of you.How do we find the PDF file from Google.You can write pdf on the search box.Then you are write the PDF File name on the search box.Example: filetype:pdf photoshop. See you all photoshop PDF File appeared in front of you.How do you find the weather information of your area from Google.You can write Weather on the search box.Then you enter your the area name or district name.Example:Weather Tangail.See the detailed weather information in front of you in the Tangail district.if you search on google how to open a free wordpress blog,then you will get so many links.Moreover, If you just want to get links to search the web then you must give quotation mark at the start and end.When we are going to search powerpoint,Document,PDF on google then use an extension word after end of the search box.To use the calculator, you can also search by a specific number, the calculator screen will appear.

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